Tuesday, July 22, 2008



Ayurveda is an ancient Vedic system of health care. It is India's indigenous system of medicine, very special to Kerala.

Ayurveda is based on five elements that is earth, water, fire, air and ether. The central concept of Ayurveda is that health exists when there is the right balance between three fundamental bodily humours – the thridoshas vata, pitha and kapha.

Vata (wind) born of air and ether rules mental and physical movements and maintains their balance.

Pitha (bile) is born of fire and water. It rules heat and metabolism of mind and body.

Kapha (phlegm) is born of earth and water. It is responsible for the physical structure of body.

Any of these three humours predominate in every individual. Based on this, Ayurveda classifies people as 'Vata prakriti, Pitha prakriti or Kapha prakriti.

The method of Ayurvedic treatment is restoring the right balance of these elements and thus ensuring good health. Practices of Ayurveda includes healthy living along with therapeutic measures that relate to body, mind and spirit. (physical , mental and spiritual levels). It ensures durable health up to old age. It also takes care of post-convalescence rejuvenation with an increased zest for life.

The principles of Ayurvedic pharmacology are fundamentally different from those of other systems of medicine. Almost all Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from herbs.


Herbal medicine

Ayurvedic medicines are mostly prepared from herbs. Almost all plants seen around us have one or other medicinal value; but we ignore them as weeds and rubbish. Even many of the acclaimed medicinal herbs are found along the farmlands and surrounding groves. Some rare species grow only in the forests and mountain ranges; only herbal experts and traditional vaidyas know them and their applications.

Most of the vegetables we use daily also have medicinal values. Good cooking and eating habits alone can improve our health much.

Some of the herbal preparations are very simple, very low cost and highly effective. Ordinary herbs, vegetables and fruits are mixed and prepared in various forms as powder, potions, pastes and extracts. They have unimaginable power in healing ailments, boosting immunity and raising vitality. 

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