Tuesday, December 23, 2008



Chavara Bhavan   

It is situated in ‘Kynakary’ a small village in the back waters of Alapuzha, is the ancestral form of Father Kuriakose Elias Chavara. Father Chavara is among the three Malayalee candidates under consideration for sainthood by the Vatican.

The place is now a spiritual resort where devotees gather for prayers and receive favors. The 250 year old monument preserves the “Beacon of light”, intact in its original form that continues to be burn. The house is a simple wooden structure consisting of three rooms and an under ground meditation enclosure. A church has been built around the house as a mark of respect for this holy place. A museum originally located here has been shifted to Kottayam.

St George orthodox Syrian Church

               This church is considered to be one of the oldest Syrian churches. It has been constructed partially with portions of an old 13th century church located at Haripad.the main attraction of this church is its porches and porticos, fashioned after typical temple architecture. The tourists come to the ancient church to see its exquisite mural paintings(Eg :the frescoes).the themes are  all biblical ranging from the annunciation of Mary, Jesus ,birth, the flight unto Egypt., the last supper and the crucifixion of Christ.

St Mary’s Church

            This church is established in 1870 by St Thomas. The annual feast falls on the 3rd Sunday of October but the feast of St.Joseph, celebrated on March 19th, is also a big event. Nearby, there is a place that makes wooden statues of Christ for export around the world. There is also a chundan Vallom, a snake boat, in its thatched shed, tucked away inside a narrow inlet. Measuring 130 feet long and manned by more than hundred rowers during the races, it is the pride of the community.

St. George Forane Church  

            The massive church is located on the banks on the Pamba, established in 1810.It is believed that prayers offered at this church help to heal mental disorders and other ailments. During the annual feast, pilgrims from all parts of South India, irrespective of creed, visit the church to seek the blessings of the saint. They bring images of human organs and serpents, made of gold and silver, as votive offerings. The statue of St. George, decked in gold, is taken out in a procession and placed on the dais at the centre of the Basilica. The feast culminates with a display of fireworks.

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