Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ayurveda: The Elixir for Healthy Body, Mind and Soul

Ayurveda is an ancient vedic system of health care. It is very special treatment in Kerala. Today it is very common India. Ayurveda is concerned with measures to protect “life” , they includes healthy living along with therapeutic measures that relate to physical , mental , social, personality- body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda is based on the good living and it is related to five elements that is earth, air, ether, water and light. The purpose of Ayurvedic treatment is to restore the balance and thus good health. Ayurvedic health care is a preventive measure for the preservation of durable health up to old age. It also appropriate for the wellbeing of during post- convalescence, cleanses the body and recuperation from the acute or chronic illness. Consequences of Ayurveda are the clear eyes, a refined skin tone, a robust nervous system, regeneration and revitalization with an inceased zest for life. The Ayurvedic central concept of the medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily humours or doshas called vata, pitta, kaph . The principles of Ayurvedic pharmacology are fundamentally different from those of other systems of medicine. Most Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from herbs.

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