Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Healthy clothes in Ayurvedic Style

Do you think Ayurveda was all about portion and massages? You are absolutely wrong. Weavers have also used the knowledge of this branch of medicine to make clothes. The kuzhivilas family, who were exclusive weavers to the royal family of Travancore for generation, practiced dipping handloom textiles in herbal dyes. After the fabric was woven, it was dipped in Ayurvedic herbal concoctions that contained turmeric, indigo, khuskhus, and grass, all of which known for their therapeutic effects. The end result was fabric that is said to ward off many diseases. The kuzhivilas have started an Ayurvedic Dye House and Handloom Weaver’s Society (H WDS) which exports herbal and organic textiles

Valuable Ingredients of Ayurveda

it possesses the power to enhance the clarity of the sense organs. It improves the quality or Rasa dhatu (nutrient plasma), which eventually improves all the other dhatu
Aloe Vera or shakupushpi
is quoted as the single greatest herb forEnhancing all three aspects of mind power-Intellect (dhi), fortitude (dhriti) and memory(Smrithi)
is a very rich source of vitamin and is known for its ability to absorb calcium for healthier bones, teeth, air and nails.
it acts on the plane of psycho-neuro immuneresponse and helps coordinate mind and senses,this is essential for sound sleep
it is described as a product of four minerals-gold, silver, copper and iron. Shilajit is believed to have beneficial effects on the kidney, urinary system and reproductive organs. It controls the ageing process.
it enhances all of the 13 metabolic processes thatCreate seven kinds of body tissues (dhatu)Triphala
it is a mixture of three Ayurvedic fruits in equal Propotion.-amalaki (gooseberry), bibhitaki (bedda Nut) and aritaki (Indian gallnut)

Styles of Therapy(Ayurveda)

Treatment for chronic headache, insomnia, mental tension hysteria,Hallucination& insanity. Herbal oils, medicated butter or milk and decoctionsare poured on the forehead for about 45 minutes for seven to 21 days. Variation include ‘Oordhwanga Dhara’ (good for eyes, ears, and skin)‘Takra dhara’ (for memory loss, headache, and insanity) Sarvangadhara’(bothfor the head and body)
Treatment for rheumatic diseases like arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia Sexual weakness, and nervous disorders. Lukewarm herbal oil are Applied all over the body by trained masseurs in to erythematic way for60 to 90 minutes for a period of around seven to 21 days.
Treatment for dryness of nostrils, mouth, and throat, severeHeadache, facial paralysis and burning sensation in the head. LukewarmOil is poured into a leather cap for 15 to 60 minutes a day, according to thePatients condition for period of 7 days.
Treatment for wasting muscles, rheumatism, sports injuries. PainIn the joints, emaciation or certain skin diseases. The whole body or a specific part is made to perspire by the external application of medicated rice packs in the form of boluses tied in muslin bags. Two or more masseurs apply these packs for about 60 to 90 minutes for a period of 14 days.
Treatment for nasal ailments, certain kind of headaches, mental disorders and paralysis. Inhalation of medicated herbal preparationDecoctions oils and ghee is given to eliminate unwanted impurities from theRegions of the head and neck
Treatment for obesity and diabetic gangrene. A special type of oil massage in which different strokes are given for 45 minutes over a period of 14 days.
Treatment for arthritis hemophilia, numbness, gastric problems rheumatism, and constipation. Certain herbal oils herbal extracts are applied through the rectum, daily for a period of 5 to 25 days.
Treatment for hemophilia, paralysis, obesity, and rheumatic problems. A special massage, with herbal powders, for 30 minutes daily for a period of 14 to 28 days.
Generally oral application of medicated oil precedes many treatments. Treatment for osteo arthritis, psoriasis, and leukemia. Medicated geeIs given internally and increased as the treatment process. Take 8 to 12 days for completition.
Yoni prakashalanam
Purification process for genital organs. Herbal oils and decoctions are instilled through vaginal route. This treatment is good for gynecological problems.
Kati vasti
Treatment for back pain and spinal disorders, specially prepared warm medicated oils is kept over the lower back with an herbal paste boundary. The treatment lasts from 45 minutes to an hour.
Treatment for asthma, respiratory problems, muscular chest pain and heart diseases. A specific kind of warm and medicated oil is kept over the chest area for a period of 45 minutes.
Treatment for nervous disorders of the face. The process is carried out using fermented cow’s milk. It cures facial paralysis, Bell’s palsy and speech disorders.
Treatment for ENT problems, insomnia, and migraine. A special powder mixed with medicated oil, is applied on the top of the head for 20 to 45 minute.
Treatment for inflammatory condition. A medicated herbal paste is applied over the effected part of the body.

Ayurveda: Mental and physical well being

Mental and physical exercises meant to isolate the ego fromThe body and mind are designed to hone concentration, give peace ofMind and improve health. There are 8 stages of training
  1. Disciplined behavior or yama
  2. Self purification or niyama
  3. Body postures or asanasv
  4. Controlled breathing or
  5. Control of the sense or pratyahara
  6. Fixing of the mind on a certain point or dharanav
  7. Meditation or dhyanav
  8. A state of the mind where one experiences total tranquility And well being or Samadhi
A five-fold treatment for mental and physical well being. It tunes theBody, mind, breath and nerves and purifies blood.

The seven tissue systems in Ayurveda

  • Rasa (plasma)
  • Raktha (blood),
  • Mamsa (muscle),
  • Meda (fatty tissue),
  • Asthi (bone)
  • Asthi (bone-marrow)
  • Shukla (semen/ova)
These include head and face massage done with the hands orFeet, using herbal oils or powders, medicated steam bath, herbal bathsAnd internal medicines. Some of the important treatment under thisBranches are as follows
Body immunization longevity
Most effective for those who are about 50 years of age, theTreatment delays the ageing process and arrests the degenerationOf body cells by strengthening the immune system of the body
Body sudation
Herbs are boiled and the stem is passed over the entire body forAbout 15 to 20 minutes daily, followed by hand massage with herbalOils. These medicated steam bath eliminate impurities from the bodyImprove the tone and complexion of the skin and reduce the fat. AlsoRecommended to certain rheumatic illness and particularly for relievingPain.
This programme includes a strict diet of herbal juice and fruits along wit herbal oils and powder massage.Beauty careSpecial herbal face packs, oil massage and intake of herbal teaAnd other medicines are used to cleanse and beautify the skin.

Doctrines of Ayurveda

living and non-living in the universe is a combination of five eternal elements, called’pancha maha bootha’.It is ‘chithanya ‘or ‘spark of life’ or spirit or soul that separate from the non living. These eternal elements manifest themselves in the human body as three or subtle energies or humors known as ‘Tridosha’ in Sanskrit. A balance of the three keeps the body healthy and full of vitality. Imbalance in the ‘Doshas’ occurs due to internal and external causes. Ayurvedic treatment can regaining this balance, it is believed to rejuvenate the body. The treatment imparted could be both internal (Tablets, concoctions, medicated ghee, massaging etc...) and external and has no side effects. The most appropriate time for this treatment is June to November because the atmosphere is dust-free keeping the body pores open. Massage is the common of this treatment.

Ayurveda : Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

The Origin:

It is evolved around 600 BC in India. Ayurveda is the science of life and it is often considered a branch of ‘ATARVAVEDA’ .The Atharvaveda lists the eight divisions of Ayurveda. The ‘Atreya samhitha’, is considered to be the oldest medical book in the world. Legend says that this land was a gift of the sea, Varuna (The sea god) to Parasurama, (The founder of Kerala) One of the ten incarnations of Lord ‘Vishnu’ In order to atone for his sins, the sage gave the land to the Brahmins he brought from the northern part of India .To ensure their physical well- being in this new territory, Parasurama imparted the wisdom of Ayurveda to eight chosen families. The present ‘Ashtavaidhyan’ families of Kerala are said to be their successors. The spared of Sanskrit language and literature in Kerala, which took place between 5th &7th centuries AD, also resulted in the spread of Ayurveda in the state. The period of the composition of’ Ashtanga Hrudhaya’ and ‘Ashtanga sangraha’ was also around the fifth centaury. But there is historical evidence to prove that Kerala possessed a system of healing even before the advent of Sanskrit.


Ayurveda can help you live a happy and healthy modern life. Ayurveda was considered the main attraction of tourists. This new system of medicine stressed on the prevention of body ailments in addition to curing them. Followed by the Dravidians and Aryans alike. Ayurveda has been practiced ever sine. Today, it's a unique, indispensable branch of medicine - a complete natural healing system that depends on the diagnosis of your body's humors - vata, pitta and kapha - to achieve the right balance. Ayurveda believes in the treatment of not just the affected part, but the individual as a whole. Making the natural way to refresh yourself, eliminate all toxic imbalances from the body and thus regain resistance and good health.This ancient science is the result of a flourishing partnership betweenAyu (life) and Veda (knowledge). It is a simple way of outsmarting illness, bymaintaining the delicate balance between one’s doshas. Mystic wisdom thatrefuses to grow old with time. Wisdom tat is an incredible balm for the mindBody and soul.Ayurveda is practiced all over India but Kerala is the most prominent area because of its exceptional location, natural wealth &rich culture.

Posted by SMITHA. A.T. NICAT

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

BLISSFUL KERALA: Dream Destination of Tourists

Kerala is one of the most beautiful states in India. It attracts numerous tourists throughout the year. The state has something for every kind of tourist. It is a perfect holiday destination for people who want to escape the fast pace of city life, and spend some relaxing moments in a tranquil environment. Kerala also provides abundant opportunity to tourists to indulge in various recreational activities and enjoy their vacations completely.
Kerala is also known as ‘God’s own country’ because its natural beauty is very enchanting. Kerala is blessed with unmatched natural varieties. Within her 38,865 km. this virtual paradise holds almost all the tourist attraction of the world - tranquil beaches, enchanting backwaters, mist-clad hill stations, lush forests, exotic wild life, exciting trekking trails, scintillating waterfalls, extensive plantations, tropical islands , invigorating monsoons, Ayurvedic health centers, historical monuments, sacred pilgrims centers , magical festivals, stunning art forms, splendid cultural heritage, spectacular boat races …….. And everything else that captivate a visitor. Full literate population & good transport facilities foster tourism development.

Excellent climate
Kerala’s weather is very helpful for tourists. Kerala has four seasons as against three for the rest of India. The summer, monsoon, spring & winter

Good transportation
Three main transportation facility available here BUS, TRAIN, FLIGHTS,
Govt. buses &Private buses operate between neighboring states at very low rates.
Indian Railway s operates several trains to and from kerala . Trains into Kerala start from all neighboring states like Karnataka, Tamilnadu etc. Ticket reservation system is available here.
The airports at Kozhikode, Kochi and Thiruvanthapuram are International airports.

Tasty food, Drinking water, & very attractive accommodation
Kerala cuisine is never complete without seafood and coconut. We get fresh and very tasty foods. It is also made in homely method; Water is usually safe to drink. Fruit juices, tender coconutwater, coffee and tea are available here in even smallest town at lower cost.
Kerala was one of the first states in India pioneer the concept of ‘Homestay’. Under this homestay concept, you get to stay with a family who can show you around and also help you find what makes Kerala tick. Accommodation and food in taken cause of at a nominal cost. The staying house’s people are well versed in English or at the least can speak decent English Five stars hotels provided attached kitchenette and if you are sick of Indian food this is an option

Medical Care

Kerala provides low cost medical facilities. This includes Ayurveda , (Punchakarma, uzhichil, pizhichil, Thalam vakkal, Kizhi vakkal etc. ) yoga and meditation . The other thing attract visitors study for Kalari payattu , Kadakali

Friday, October 10, 2008

The beckoning beaches of Kerala

Beaches are invaluable assets of our Country. Most of them are very attractive and capture everyone’s mind. Kerala is at the top in attracting tourists with its beautiful beaches. Kerala being a narrow state through out the length it has many number of beaches in all the districts except three. The entire 900-kilometers coast line of the state is magnificently dotted with sensuous beaches, rocky promontories and swaying palm groves. The delectable fresh sea-food, interesting sites and friendly people are enough to impart perfection to one’s holiday. Some of the most important beaches are as follows

The important Beach resort of Kerala has been a favorite haunt of tourists since the 1930. Kovalam consists of three adjacent crescent beaches. This internationally renowned beach resort of Kerela has been a favorite haunt of tourists since the 1930s. The southernmost, known as the Lighthouse beach, is the most popular, Kovalam consists of three adjacent crescent beaches.It is a strip of golden sand lying side by side between the serene blue waters of the Arabian sea and the rich greenery of coconut palms with high rock promontory and a calm of blue waters. You can enjoy the rejuvenating Ayurvedic therapy and body-toning massage. Kovalam offers accommodation options to suit all the budgets.
This is a favorite haunt of sunset viewers. The beach is adjacent to the Thiruvanathapuram airport and Veli tourist village
The Varkala beach is a sea side resort and spa, as well as an important Hindu centre of pilgrimage. This is a holy beach , known as ‘papanasini’ meaning , that which desroys sins. High cliffs border the excellent beach. Mineral water springs gushing out from these cliffs are well known for their medicinal property . There is a nature cure centre adjacent to the beach. Worship at the ancient ‘Janardhana swami’(Vishnu) temple and pay homage to Kerala’s saint and social reformer, Sree Narayana Guru.
Alapuzha or Alleppy beach is located in the state of Kerala in Southern India ,with the Arabian sea on the west and vast network of lakes, lagoons and fresh water rivers crisscrossing it. It has a long sandy beach . The beach here is spectacular. At one end are the dense palm groves that are so characteristic of Kerala’s landscape.
This pretty beach bordering Vypeen island is ideal for swimming. Dolphins are occasionally seen here. It is 45km from Eranakulam city.
The Thankassery Beach is 5 Km from Kollam town. This seaside village of historic importance has ruins of an old Portuguese fort and churches built in the 18th century.
The Thirumullavaram Beach is 6 Km from Kollam town. This secluded beach is a beautiful picnic centre and has frequent bus connections to the town.
It is in Malppuram District . A beach resort set in the middle of a coconut grove is the main attraction here.
Kappad is 16km from Calicut, the historic beach where VASCO DA GAMA landed on the 27th of May 1498. A pleasant ,calm beach , locally known as Kappaakadavu, is studded with rocks and caressed by friendly waves.
The Muzhuppilangad beach is 15km from Kannur. Black rocks protect this long beach from the currents of the deep, making its shallow water a swimmer’s paradise. It is the only drive-in beach in Kerala , which is about 4km long. This is a calm, serene secluded and less explored destination. A drive on the golden sands of the shore is a not- to- miss experience.
The Pallikara beach is 1 km from Bekal Fort . This enchanting beach offers a spectacular view of the fort and has ample facilities for recreation and relaxation.
Kanwatheertha Beach is 3 Km from Manjeswaram. A large swimming pool-like formation of the sea on the vast beach is the main attraction.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kerala: Hot Industrial Destination

Kerala, among all Indian states, is a high level destination for industry, international trade and commerce. The main attractions of the states are
¨ For selected investments, Kerala is India’s no.1 state in many ways
¨ It has the highest density of science and technology personnel in India.
¨ Three airports
¨ People with a logical and analytical frame of mind
¨ Easily trainable manpower, including women
¨ Good health care facilities and awareness
¨ A highly developed banking and financial sectors. give more profit
¨ Very large producer& exporter of spices
¨ A great tourist destination
¨ Strategic Locations
¨ Easy Accessibility
¨ Excellent Communication Network
¨ Highly Skilled Manpower
¨ World class Infrastructure
¨ Total support
¨ Low operating cost
¨ India’s most advanced society
Kerala is well known for its traditional industries. These industries include coir, cashew, handlooms, handicrafts and bamboo. The traditional industries are one of the major sectors, which give employment to more than one million people in Kerala. It has already become one of the leading commercial and trading centers in India. The state offers unparalleled attractions as a base for business developments point to a new era of growth and opportunity for companies operating in Kerala. Rising costs in the Far East and other world markets have also further highlighted Kerala as a good choice for both commercial and industrial sectors. Core competency areas like electronics and software bio technology tourism agriculture food processing minerals petrochemicals and so on make Kerala one of the least-cost producers in the global economy. Kerala is indeed the industrial destination of the future. With intrinsic advantages; Kerala offers immense opportunity for investment in the IT industry.
The state is located midway through the international trade corridor connecting Europe and the Pacific Rim. Kerala has become India's model state in many ways. It has the highest density of science and technology personnel and the highest number of skilled productive manpower in India. Kerala offers an excellent communication network including a dedicated satellite earth station. There are Three International Airports and an International Seaport with container cargo handling facility. There is extensive Rail and Road network. Kerala provides outstandingly good health care facilities proven by India's highest life expectancy and lowest infant mortality. In short, Kerala is a breeding ground for success.
With its 29 million people, Kerala is India's most advanced society in terms of education, literacy and health. In fact, Kerala has the highest physical Quality of Life Index too. The age old wanderlust of the people of Kerala has taken them to virtually every nation on the face of this earth. In the process, the state is one that is in tune with today's world, in every sphere of day-to-day life - truly international in outlook and flavor.

Flora and Fauna of Kerala

Main animals in the sanctuaries of Kerela are :
Elephants, gaur, sambar, deer, wild dogs, jungle cats, tigers, wild boars, sloth bears, leopards, lion tailed macaques, Nilgiri Tahrs, langur, malabar giant squirrel, flying squirrel, tiger,panthers, spotted deer, grizzled giant squirrels, Hanuman langurs, peacocks, star tortoises, wild dogs, civet cats, The Atlas moth, bonnet, macaques, Loris, mongoose, foxen, bears, barking deer, pangolins, bison, bears etc..

The Reptiles found in the sanctuaries of Kerala are :

Cobra, Viper, krait, a number of non poisonous snakes, bicoloured frogs, crocodiles, varanur pond terrapins, cane turtles, star tortoises, geckoes, skunks, chameleons, spectacled cobras, pythons, green keel backs, rat snakes, vine snakes, monitor lizards etc...

Main birds seen in the sanctuaries of Kerela are :
Water fowl, Cuckoo, Owl, Egret, Heron, Water duck, Migratory Siberian Duck, Jungle fowls, Mynas, Laughing thrushes, Black bulbuls, Peafowls, Woodpeckers, Kingfishers, The hornbill, Stork, Raptor, Darter, Cormorant, Grackle, Cluster, Indian rollers, Common snipes, Crow pheasants, Jungle nightjars, Kites, Grey drongos, Malabar trogons, Llarge pied wagtails, Baya sparrows, Grey jungle fowls, Indian hill mynas, Robins, Jungle babblers, Sunbirds, Peacocks, Crimson-throated barbets, Bee-eaters, Shrikes, Fairy bluebirds, Grey-headed fishing eagles, Black winged kites, Night herons, Grey hornbills, Malabar hornbills and more than 253 additional species including migrant birds..
The flora in the sanctuaries of Kerela constitute:
Teak, maruthu, karimaruthi, rosewood, venteak, vengal, chadachi, mazhukanjiram, bamboo, neem, nanjanathi, sandal, dendrocalamus, marythu, vaka, mulluvenga, elavu.


Kerala is bestowed with a rich repertoire of natural bounty - mountains & hills, rivers & lakes, backwaters & shoreline. It is natural for Kerala to be home to many national parks and sanctuaries. The enchanting green forest with its rich flora and fauna makes Kerala a much sought after wildlife destination in India. The numerous national parks and wildlife sanctuaries of Kerala will add that extra bit of excitement when you holiday in Kerala.Nestled in the lush forests of the Western ghats in Kerala are 12 Wildlife sanctuaries and two National Parks.

The following are the Wildlife Sanctuaries / National Parks in Kerela : 
Peppara Wildlife sanctuary
Neyyar Wildlife sanctuary
Shenduruni Wildlife sanctuary
Periyar Wildlife sanctuary
Idduki Wildlife sanctuary
Chinnar Wildlife sanctuary
Parambikulam Wildlife sanctuary
Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary
Muthanga Wildlife sanctuary
Kadalundi Bird Sanctuary
Thattekad Bird Sanctuary
Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary
Silent Valley National Park
Eravikulam National Park