Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Healthy clothes in Ayurvedic Style

Do you think Ayurveda was all about portion and massages? You are absolutely wrong. Weavers have also used the knowledge of this branch of medicine to make clothes. The kuzhivilas family, who were exclusive weavers to the royal family of Travancore for generation, practiced dipping handloom textiles in herbal dyes. After the fabric was woven, it was dipped in Ayurvedic herbal concoctions that contained turmeric, indigo, khuskhus, and grass, all of which known for their therapeutic effects. The end result was fabric that is said to ward off many diseases. The kuzhivilas have started an Ayurvedic Dye House and Handloom Weaver’s Society (H WDS) which exports herbal and organic textiles

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