Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ayurveda : Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

The Origin:

It is evolved around 600 BC in India. Ayurveda is the science of life and it is often considered a branch of ‘ATARVAVEDA’ .The Atharvaveda lists the eight divisions of Ayurveda. The ‘Atreya samhitha’, is considered to be the oldest medical book in the world. Legend says that this land was a gift of the sea, Varuna (The sea god) to Parasurama, (The founder of Kerala) One of the ten incarnations of Lord ‘Vishnu’ In order to atone for his sins, the sage gave the land to the Brahmins he brought from the northern part of India .To ensure their physical well- being in this new territory, Parasurama imparted the wisdom of Ayurveda to eight chosen families. The present ‘Ashtavaidhyan’ families of Kerala are said to be their successors. The spared of Sanskrit language and literature in Kerala, which took place between 5th &7th centuries AD, also resulted in the spread of Ayurveda in the state. The period of the composition of’ Ashtanga Hrudhaya’ and ‘Ashtanga sangraha’ was also around the fifth centaury. But there is historical evidence to prove that Kerala possessed a system of healing even before the advent of Sanskrit.


Ayurveda can help you live a happy and healthy modern life. Ayurveda was considered the main attraction of tourists. This new system of medicine stressed on the prevention of body ailments in addition to curing them. Followed by the Dravidians and Aryans alike. Ayurveda has been practiced ever sine. Today, it's a unique, indispensable branch of medicine - a complete natural healing system that depends on the diagnosis of your body's humors - vata, pitta and kapha - to achieve the right balance. Ayurveda believes in the treatment of not just the affected part, but the individual as a whole. Making the natural way to refresh yourself, eliminate all toxic imbalances from the body and thus regain resistance and good health.This ancient science is the result of a flourishing partnership betweenAyu (life) and Veda (knowledge). It is a simple way of outsmarting illness, bymaintaining the delicate balance between one’s doshas. Mystic wisdom thatrefuses to grow old with time. Wisdom tat is an incredible balm for the mindBody and soul.Ayurveda is practiced all over India but Kerala is the most prominent area because of its exceptional location, natural wealth &rich culture.

Posted by SMITHA. A.T. NICAT

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