Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tips to Ease Your Trip to Kerala, India

India is a tough country, in terms of temperament and terrain. Before venturing on a sojourn to India, one needs to follow some simple guidelines to make the stay a pleasant one. Follow the tips in earnest and put your best foot forth and come to India with a desire, and India promises that you will leave the land with an ardent wish to come back again.
Here are a few tips that will make your trip more comfortable, pleasurable.

There is no limit to the amount of foreign currency that visitors can bring into kerala.
Main hotels, restaurants and shopping centers honor major credit cards.
Indian Rupee. Conversion rates approximately:US$1 = Rs. 46.65 • DM1 = Rs. 21.50 • £1 = Rs. 68.54 • Euro = Rs. 43.00
Banks in kerala are open from 1000 - 1400 hrs(10.00 to14.00hrs) Saturdays 1000 -1200 hrs(10.00 to 12.00 hrs). Sundays are holidays in kerala. Some banks work upto 4 pm; some have special evening branches which work upto 8 pm. Almost all banks have good network of ATMs which make money transactions easy.
High Season in kerala: December-May /
Monsoon Rejuvenation Programmes: June – November
All standard restaurants in kerala offer a variety of cuisines including Continental, Chinese, Indian and typical Kerala fare.
A wide range of options from luxury properties to budget hotels and motels are available
Police control room: 100 Fire station: 101 , Ambulance: 101 International dial code: ++91-
Indian Standard Time (IST) is 5.30 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Time difference between India and some other countries are given below:
[Hours ahead (+), behind (-) on 1ST] USA: -10.30, Germany: -4.30, Canada:-10.30, France: -4.30, Australia: +4.30, Spain: -4.30, UAE: -1.30
Tap water supplied in kerala is purified and quite safe to drink. It is not advisable to drink from slow moving streams, lakes or dams. Mineral water is available in sealed bottles.
Care your Language: In communicating verbal instructions, it is vital that you not only insist on the recipient repeating them but also see from his face that he actually understands the meaning of the words. Indian ears are more attuned to the slurred vowels of English than to the nasal's drawl of an American

Get Consent for Photography: To avoid causing hang-up when you photograph railway property it is advisable to take permission (if you have not done so at home) from Indian Railways headquarters in New Delhi. Rail Bhawan looks very formidable but the entry procedure is remarkably simple. You sign the visitor's book at the reception and ask to see the Public Relations Officer.
Be cautious: Two unpleasant brutalities need to be summoned up to make it clear that you are not a soft touch. Never respond to the genial 'hello' of a conman and never catch the eye of professional beggar
Bargaining: Haggling is an exhausting exercise for the greenhorn to India, a delectable sport for the shopkeeper who stands to make a huge killing. Remember that the first sale of the day is considered religiously auspicious, so the chances of being ripped off are somewhat less. The rule for buyers is to start at less than half of the announced price and then work towards a settlement at a price neither party considers unreasonable. Short-term visitors who lack the sporting instinct will find it much easier to stick to government emporia where the prices are fixed.Suggestions& COMPLAINTS:. In India, the complaint book is available everywhere and people do respond to suggestions. Avoid the unfortunate habit of only criticizing. Sometimes take the trouble to write to the editor of a newspaper praising India. You will be surprised how many other people share your feelings. Practical hints should be penned to the publishers of guidebooks. Share travel experience and you can pick up valuable hints.

Ayurveda: The Elixir for Healthy Body, Mind and Soul

Ayurveda is an ancient vedic system of health care. It is very special treatment in Kerala. Today it is very common India. Ayurveda is concerned with measures to protect “life” , they includes healthy living along with therapeutic measures that relate to physical , mental , social, personality- body, mind and spirit. Ayurveda is based on the good living and it is related to five elements that is earth, air, ether, water and light. The purpose of Ayurvedic treatment is to restore the balance and thus good health. Ayurvedic health care is a preventive measure for the preservation of durable health up to old age. It also appropriate for the wellbeing of during post- convalescence, cleanses the body and recuperation from the acute or chronic illness. Consequences of Ayurveda are the clear eyes, a refined skin tone, a robust nervous system, regeneration and revitalization with an inceased zest for life. The Ayurvedic central concept of the medicine is the theory that health exists when there is a balance between three fundamental bodily humours or doshas called vata, pitta, kaph . The principles of Ayurvedic pharmacology are fundamentally different from those of other systems of medicine. Most Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from herbs.

Kadhakali: The crown of Indian Arts

Kathakali is a theatrical dance form of Kerala. It is originated from Ramanattom and Krishnanattom. The name Kathakali derives from the Malayalam words ‘Katha’ (meaning story) and ‘Kali’(meaning play) . kathakali is considered to be a combination of five elements of fine art – Expression, Dance, Enactment, song/ vocal accompaniment , instrument accompaniment . There are 101 classical Kathakali stories . one of tThe most popular stories enacted are Nala Charitam, Kalyanasowgandhikam, Keechaka vadham etc.The songs used for Kathakali is a mix of Malayalam and Sanskrit.
Traditionaly , a kathakali performance is usually conducted at night and ends in early morning . The main facial expressions of a kathakali artist are the ‘navarasams’ .There are 24 main ‘Mudras’ . The most interesting aspects of kathakali is its elaborate make-up code. Make-up classified into five – pacha, kathi, kari, thaadi, and minukku . The heroes have green face and the villains red or black,holymen and femaile characters have yellow face . Apart from facial make up , each performer wears an elaborate costume with a head dress and layers of Skirts, Jewellery, Anklets, Bracelets and Rings.
Kadhakali has adapted for an indoor stage performance. Traditionally kathakali performance began in the evening on a raised platform in the temple premises . Two helpers held a curtain across the stage behind the characters appeard at the beginning of each act and quick changes of scenery and props took place

Dances and Folk Arts of Kerala

Chakyar Koothu
Chakyar Koothu is a performing art style in Kerala, and also it is a socio-religious art performance in Koothambalam or the Koothuthara of temples.’koothu ‘ means dance ,it was performed by Chakyar community. It is a traditional equivalent of mono act and comic act .It was highly refined art form narrating stories from Hindu epics and puranas, combined with prevailing socio-political events , were originally performed in temples in connection with festivals by members of Chakyar Community. Only two instruments used for the performance – a Mizhav and a pair of Cymbals. Chakyar Koothu was performed only in koothambalam
Kathakali is a theatrical dance form of Kerala. It is originated from Ramanattom and Krishnanattom. The name Kathakali derives from the Malayalam words ‘Katha’ (meaning story) and ‘Kali’(meaning play) . kathakali is considered to be a combination of five elements of fine art – Expression, Dance, Enactment, song/ vocal accompaniment , instrument accompaniment . There are 101 classical Kathakali stories . one of tThe most popular stories enacted are Nala Charitam, Kalyanasowgandhikam, Keechaka vadham etc.The songs used for Kathakali is a mix of Malayalam and Sanskrit.
Mohiniyattam is a very graceful dance performed by women .The word ‘Mohiniyattam’ means ‘dance of the enchantress’. The costume includes gold – bordered off-white saris and gold jewellery, their in a chignon high on one side of the head and encircled with white jasmine flowers. Mohiniyattam dance is performed by the footwork of the danseuse.
Oppana is a popular form of social entertainment among the mappila community of Kerala , especially in the northern districts of Calicut and Malappuram . oppana is generally presented by women , numbering about fifteen including musician on a wedding day.
Thiruvathirakkali is a popular folk dance form of women in Kerala . In this, eight to ten girls perform forming a circle by themselves. They sing and dance to the rhythm of clapping hands . This dance is performed on festivals like Onam and Thiruvathira
Theyyam is a well-known ritual dance of north Kerala . it is performed by the male members of the traditional cast groups . the term Theyyam is a corrupt form of daivam or god
Margamkali is a art of the Syrian Christians. A dozen of dancers sing and dance around a Nilavilakku(lighted wick lamp) . The costume is simple traditional white dhoti and sporting a peacock feather on the turban to add a touch of color.
Padayani , it is a week- long ritual dance, held in Kaali temples on the banks of the pamba river. Steps and movements of the dance vary according to each kolam or character. Patayani masks are made with the fresh spathe of arecanut palms.
Kummattikali is the famous dance of Kerala , it is a colourful mask-dance . Kummattikali performers move from house to house and collecting small gifts and entertainging people.
Padayani is the most spectacular folk events, it is associated with the festivals of certain Devi templs. Like all other ritualistic arts, it also had its origin in religion, but today it is viewed more as a folk art.

Sarpam Thullal
Sarpam thullal is usally performed in the courtyard of houses having snake shrines. This is a family votive offering for wealth and happiness. The dance performed by Pulluvar.
Mayilpeeli Thookam
Mayilpeeli Thookam is a folk dance .It is performed by men. This dance also known as Arjuna nirtham .This art form mainly based on the Mahabaratha.
Mudiyettu is a ritual art performance. The theme depicts the glory and triumph of Bagavathy over the demon Darika. The dance is performed by a set of people known as Kuruppanmar.
Poothanum Thirayuam
Poothanum Thirayuam is a ritual dance to propitiate goddess Kali, it is performed by the Mannan community of south Malabar.The main theme of the dance is that slaying of Demon Daarikan by Kali
Tiyattu was a traditional dance form. It is performed by the people of Unni and Nambiar castes in Kerala .Two types of tiyattu.One is bhadrakali tiyattu and another one is Ayyappan tiyattu.
Kanyarkali is a folk art form. It is performed by the Nair community of Palakkad District. Kanyarkali combaines the agile movements of marital arts with the rhythmic grace of folk dance
Chavittunatakom is a music drama performance. The theme of the drama was Christian religious history.’ Chavittu ‘means the rhythmic steps which accompanies the recitation of lines in the drama
Kakkarissi Natakom
Kakkarissi natakom is a satirical dance- drama .It is bacedbased on the puranic legends of Lord Siva and Parvati. When they assumed human forms as Kakkalan and Kakkathi . The language is a blend of Tamil and Malayalam.
Krishnnattam is a temple art, now it is performed at Guruvayur Temple. The performce is bacedbased on Krishngiti.
Kolkkali is a widely prevalent group dance in Kerala especially among farmers. Its exposition of physical skill , kolkkali is believed that existence to be existant for more than a millennium.
Koottiyattom is the earliest classical dramatic art form of Kerala . Koottiyattom means that ‘acting together’. This art form is based on Bharatha’s Natyasathra. There are two or more characters onstage at the same time, with the Chakkiar providing the male cast and Nangiar playing the female roles.