Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Valuable Ingredients of Ayurveda

it possesses the power to enhance the clarity of the sense organs. It improves the quality or Rasa dhatu (nutrient plasma), which eventually improves all the other dhatu
Aloe Vera or shakupushpi
is quoted as the single greatest herb forEnhancing all three aspects of mind power-Intellect (dhi), fortitude (dhriti) and memory(Smrithi)
is a very rich source of vitamin and is known for its ability to absorb calcium for healthier bones, teeth, air and nails.
it acts on the plane of psycho-neuro immuneresponse and helps coordinate mind and senses,this is essential for sound sleep
it is described as a product of four minerals-gold, silver, copper and iron. Shilajit is believed to have beneficial effects on the kidney, urinary system and reproductive organs. It controls the ageing process.
it enhances all of the 13 metabolic processes thatCreate seven kinds of body tissues (dhatu)Triphala
it is a mixture of three Ayurvedic fruits in equal Propotion.-amalaki (gooseberry), bibhitaki (bedda Nut) and aritaki (Indian gallnut)

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